How to Convert a Java 8 Stream to an Array

Java 8 introduced the Stream API, which provides a powerful way to process collections of data in a functional and declarative manner. Streams offer numerous operations to manipulate data, such as filtering, mapping, and reducing, making them an essential part of modern Java development. At times, it may be necessary to convert a Stream back into a more traditional data structure like an array. In this article, we will explore various methods to convert a Java 8 Stream to an array.

1. Using toArray() method

The simplest way to convert a Stream to an array is by using the toArray() method provided by the Stream API. This method is available for all Stream types and returns an array containing all the elements of the Stream.

Here’s how you can use the toArray() method:

import java.util.Arrays;

public class StreamToArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("apple", "banana", "orange");
        String[] array = stream.toArray(String[]::new);

        // Print the elements of the array;

In this example, we created a Stream of strings and used the toArray() method to convert it into a String[] array. Note that we pass String[]::new as the argument to the toArray() method to specify the type of the resulting array.

2. Using Collectors.toList() and toArray()

Another way to convert a Stream to an array is by first collecting the elements of the Stream into a List using the Collectors.toList() method, and then converting the List to an array using the toArray() method.

Here’s an example:


public class StreamToArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("apple", "banana", "orange");
        String[] array = stream.collect(Collectors.toList()).toArray(new String[0]);

        // Print the elements of the array;

In this example, we used the collect() method to convert the Stream to a List of strings, and then we converted that List to a String[] array by providing an array of the desired type as an argument to the toArray() method.

3. Using Stream.toArray(IntFunction<A[]> generator)

The toArray() method also comes with another overloaded version that takes an IntFunction<A[]> generator as an argument. This allows you to specify the array size explicitly, which can be useful when you know the size of the Stream in advance.

Here’s how you can use this version of toArray():

import java.util.Arrays;

public class StreamToArrayExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("apple", "banana", "orange");
        String[] array = stream.toArray(size -> new String[size]);

        // Print the elements of the array;

In this example, we converted the Stream of strings into a String[] array by explicitly specifying the size of the array using a lambda expression.


Converting a Java 8 Stream to an array is a straightforward process, and you have several options to achieve it. Whether you use the toArray() method directly or first collect the elements into a List and then convert it to an array, the choice depends on your specific use case.

Remember that the Stream API provides a versatile and expressive way to work with collections in Java, making it easier to perform complex data manipulations efficiently. Understanding how to convert Streams to arrays is just one aspect of mastering this powerful feature. So, go ahead and explore the Stream API further to unleash the full potential of Java 8’s functional programming capabilities.