Run All Test Classes in a Package from testng.xml Suite

<suite name="Suite1" verbose="1">
    <test name="all-tests">
            <package name="io.devqa.tests.ui"/>

If you need to run all tests from multiple packages, you can use:

<suite name="Suite2" verbose="1">
    <test name="all-tests">
            <package name="io.devqa.tests.ui"/>
            <package name="io.devqa.tests.api"/>

If there are many packages with tests that all need to be executed, rather than listing all package names individually, we can use regular expression to include all packages, such as:

<suite name="Suite-3" verbose="1">
    <test name="all-packages">
        <package name=".*" />

Note, there is a “.” before the * in the package name, which indicates all package names.