Gatling - How to Save Response Body

How to save response body in Gatling?

When we do API performance testing, we may need to build a chain of requests. For example, we make a call to an API, save the response and pass the response to another API call.

This is called request-response chaining and is a common activity when testing APIs.

Gatling provides a way of saving the whole response or part of a response.

The examples below illustrate how to save response data in Gatling.

Save the Whole Response Body

val authRequest = exec(http("Auth Request")
    .post(base_url + "/login/auth")
    .check(status is 200))

We save the full response of the above API call in a variable called Auth_Response.

Then we can use that variable, which contains the response, to pass as a body or payload to another request, such as:

val validateRequest = exec(http("Validate Request")
    .post(base_url + "/login/validate")
    .check(status is 200)

Extract Element From Response Body and Save

In Gatling, we can also parse a response, for example with JsonPath, extract a value and save it as a variable. Like above, we can then pass that variable in the next API call.

val loginRequest: HttpRequestBuilder = http("Login Request")
    .post(base_url + "/login")
    .header(ContentType, ApplicationJson)
    .header(Accept, ApplicationJson)
    .check(status is 200)

In the above request, we parse the JSON Response and extract the value for the parameter tokenId and save its value as tokenId.

We can then reference the variable using ${tokenId}