How to Set Multiple Headers in HTTP Request With Karate

How to set HTTP headers in Karate?

Karate is an API testing tool with a very comprehensive and easy to understand DSL.

In this post, we show how to set multiple headers in the header part of a request.

Examples include User-Agent, Content-Type, Accept-Encoding, Connection, etc.

There are a number of ways you can set request headers in Karate:

Using header

You can use the header keyword multiple times in the request

Given header Content-Type = 'text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1'
    And header Accept-Encoding = 'gzip,deflate'
    And header Connection = 'Keep-Alive'
    And header Expect = '100-continue'
    And header User-Agent = 'Mozilla/4.0(compatible;IE;GACv7\. 1\. 5192\. 22378)'
    And header Host = 'localhost'

    When url ''
    And request { some: 'data' }
    When method post
    Then status 200

Using headers

You can also define multiple headers all in a variable and then use it in the headers  keyword to send all the request headers

* def req_headers = {Content-Type: 'text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1', Connection: 'Keep-Alive', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0(compatible;IE;GACv7\. 1\. 5192\. 22378)'}

Given headers req_headers
    And url ''
    And request { some: 'data' }
    When method post
    Then status 200

Using configure headers

Another way of setting the request headers is to use configure headers

* configure headers = {Content-Type: 'text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1', Connection: 'Keep-Alive', User-Agent: 'Mozilla/4.0(compatible;IE;GACv7\. 1\. 5192\. 22378)'}

Given url ''
And request { some: 'data' }
When method post
Then status 200